Monday, June 2, 2008


Copies of Arthur Keller's drawings, Conte crayon on drawing paper.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

All Birds Fly to Heaven


Peter Ped Sketches

Had a chance to dig some old stuff and found this. Back in 2006, as our final project, we had to create an animation based on children storybook Peter Ped: The Adventure of a Ped of Soil. I was in charge of the environment and character design. Not much I could do with the characters, I mean, Peter was a ped of soil. But he was certainly an adventurous one.

Little Dragosaur

Had the chance to experiment with Maya and wished to have spent more time. This walk cycle was done in approximately 48 hours, from building the model to texturing to animating. The Little Guy is less than perfect, but I found that Maya is actually fun!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Clothed Figure Drawing I

One of the projects where I had most fun... Went to the Cherry Blossom festival and got a bargain on the yukata!